Many social media sites allow users to grow their individual or group accounts by accepting and sending friend requests. With Twitter, the only way to grow is by growing the list of followers. Each user on Twitter can follow other users or be the one that other users follow. Following is easier. Being the one that other users follow is a lot of work. Strategic planning is necessary for any person who desires to be the most sought after with other users. The first step involves creating an eye-catching profile. The profile should be detailed, but not to the point of turning into a long bio.
Active participation is crucial to any person who desires to see his list of followers growing by the day. Active participation is one way of empowering the profile, while ensuring that the followers experience the positive/optimistic effect the user wishes to portray. Active participation helps users to see the genuineness of the person they desire to follow. Therefore, users need to learn to tweet on a regular basis. A newbie should strive to send a tweet at least once a day. The tweet has to carry a strong message. The fact that Twitter created space through which users can only post a message containing 140 characters is worth remembering.
Timing is everything, and this holds true with regard to growing followers on Twitter as it does in other areas of life. Timing when to post a tweet is crucial to growing followers on Twitter. Knowing when prospective followers are likely to see the tweet is crucial. For example, a person who desires to grow his list of sports’ followers can post tweets when his favorite team is playing and talk about formations or other aspects of the game. Tweeting once and staying idle for some time is not helpful. Keep the contents within each tweet full of freshness and good value. In Twitter, there is a whole world out there hungry for fresh and valuable content all the time.
Learn to mention other people, institutions or organizations when tweeting. It might not be plausible to mention others all the time, but try doing this as much as is possible. Learn how to use hash tags. If there is a football match going on, use the hash tag that features a shorter name of the two teams slugging it out on the field. The use of hash tags, as long as it is done right, creates a good impression with the prospective followers. Each tweet that has a hash tag appears on the Twitter searches. A person searching for a specific hash tag shall see all the tweets that featured it, and might decide to retweet some of the tweets.
Learn to retweet and favorite tweets made by other Twitter users. Other users are likely to engage a person who retweets and favorites their own tweets at a personal level. Retweet and favorite other people’s tweets and they shall need no more persuasion to become the latest followers. While growing the list of followers is a good undertaking, watch out for fake profiles. Study the profile of each latest follower to ascertain whether it is real. Do not embrace low activity in the Twitter world. Do not delay in replying to tweets and messages. Identify the right sources from which to find material for posting fresh and unique tweets regularly.